Friday, February 5, 2010

Help for Haiti

As you may or may not know, one of the worst earthquakes in modern history has struck Haiti. Reading 7.0 on the Scale, this is one of the biggest disasters ever. The Offical death toll still has not been released, and neither has the casulties. Officals are still counting. With most of their country in ruins and nowhere to go, most Haitian residents have taken to the streets. We are putting the Books project on hold in order to address this issue. The "HappyPack"book event will not be cancelled, just postponed. Instead, OnEartHeart will start a charity concert for the children in Hati. I hope to raise enough money to not only help the Haitians rebuild, but also take care of the children there. It has been shown that over 50% of the population of Haiti is comprised of children, and that there are now 400,000 orphans. It is crucial that we help these children. What we are doing here is the essense of OnEartHeart, Children Helping Children. We should be able to count on each other. After all we have one big thing in common, Our Lives Together on this Planet!

One Word, One Earth, One Heart. OnEartHeart. Together, we can make anything happen.